Sergio Rodriguez, district 509 board of trustees member
Sergio Rodriguez, ’06, knows what it’s like to be a student at Elgin Community College. Now serving as a member of the District 509 Board of Trustees, he plans to put those experiences to work on behalf of students and district residents. “I understand what it’s like to be a part-time adult student while juggling work and family responsibilities and the additional stress that can bring,” said Rodriguez. “I’m committed to working with the board of trustees and Dr. Sam to serve the needs of the students, faculty, staff, and communities of District 509 to continue providing opportunities to improve lives through learning, collaboration, and partnerships.”
Rodriguez believes his deep ties to ECC as an alum and his unique background are assets to his service as a trustee. “I bring a different perspective to the board that is shaped by my modest upbringing as a first-generation immigrant, a veteran, and a part-time student, along with my work experience, unique skill set, and volunteer community involvement.”
He is currently also serving as president of the board of directors for Centro de Información, a not-for-profit social services organization serving the Hispanic community in the Northwest suburbs.
Rodriguez, of Pingree Grove, was the unanimous selection during the board’s special meeting held on Wednesday, January 26, 2022. His appointment will last until the next consolidated election on Tuesday, April 4, 2023. Rodriguez is a decorated United States Marine Corps veteran and is now vice president of IT and marketing for KCT Credit Union in Elgin, where he leads continuous business improvement focused on enhancing revenue and streamlining business operations.
Juggling his growing career, continuing with volunteer service, completing his bachelor’s degree, and becoming a new dad takes a lot of hard work and commitment. Still, Rodriguez says it has all been rewarding and helped prepare him to better serve his community.
“I am an example of the many paths you can take to achieve your goals,” said Rodriguez. “Mine was not traditional and included breaks from school as my workload increased over the years, but I never lost sight of or quit working toward what I wanted to accomplish. Now, more than ever, and as a first-time father, I am committed to completing my bachelor’s degree. Plus, I’m only three classes away from graduating!”
Visit the Board of Trustees page to learn more.